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What are the benefits of Miracle Berries?

There are many benefits to using mberry. Some of the major ones is to help aid living a healthy lifestyle. Since the beginning of their journey to the U.S. and Canada, they have been used to enhance the flavor and sweetness of foods. When they were discovered, the French explorer came to realize this certain group of people were the only ones in the area not being affected by the famine. They would consume the Miracle Berry before eating grass, leaves, and extremely bitter and sour fruits. This aided in their survival.

To bring this into today, the Miracle Berry can enhance the flavor of your own food and create sweetness without sugar. It gives the ability to recreate your favorite unhealthy foods like ice cream, candy bars, and cakes. Chef Homaro Cantu created the cookbook "The Miracle Berry Diet" to help cut out the extra processed sugars in these foods. With using Miracle Berry, people who want to remove these sugars from their life have a high chance of success, especially those with diabetes. Another great benefit is the flavor aspect. Foods like broccoli, brussel sprouts, and lemons can be bitter and sour. With Miracle Berries, those tastes dissapear and bring out the true flavor of these foods.

Where did the term Miraculin come from?

Scientists had been intrigued by this berry and needed to know more about how it interacted with our taste buds. They did extensive research on why the berry had these powers and were abel to successfully find the glycoprotein responsible. The name Miraculin comes from the miracle of the berry, literally. The scientific name of the miracle fruit is Synsepalum Dulcificum.

What is a glycoprotein and how does it differentiate from a normal protein? A normal protein is an organic compound that is necessary for life. It contains nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. On the other hand, a glycoprotein is made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen only. They contain carbohydrates unlike protein. They can be found in the lipid bilayer of cells and some of their functions include collagen production, hormone regulation, and thyroid-stimulating hormones.

What should I eat with Miracle Berries?

The Miraculin affects sour/citrus foods the best. This will be a huge difference you can differentiate between. We suggest beginning your flavor tripping with a lemon, lime, grapefruit, or similar. Then begin to taste other fruits and veggies like green apples, strawberries, blackberries, tomatoes, broccoli, and brussel sprouts. The next section is quite adventurous. Foods like mustard, ketchup, pickles, sour cream, and salt & vinegar chips are next. We would say this is more a complimentary section, condiments. You can also try soy sauce and spicy foods. Lastly is the kicker. We recommend finishing with a hot sauce, vinegar based liquid (apple cider, white vinegar, or kombucha), your stinky cheeses, and really anything else you can find in your pantry and fridge.

How long does it take for Miracle Berries to work?

This is a common question when it comes to Miracle Berries. There are a few indicators you can use to ensure you're ready to taste sweetness. When you first place the tablet on your tongue, it should begin tart, similar to a cranberry. Once you begin to move the tablet around your tongue, you shouldbe able to sense a change in taste, sweeter, or that there is no taste anymore. As soon as the Miracle Berry Tablet is dissolved, you're ready to eat!

If you do not have the change in the Miracle Berry, try tasting a lemon to see if it has interacted with your tongue correctly. Using a lemon is the best indicator if the Miracle Berry is "comaptible" with your tongue. If it does not work, here are some trouble shooting steps:

What to do if Miracle Berries aren't working

Make sure you dissolved the entire tablet on your tongue and moved it around to ensure it has reached every taste bud. If this still does not work, then you may be the one in a million that is not effected by Miracle Berry. This can occur in those who have damaged taste buds, simply do not believe it will work, or your saliva and tongue makeup isn'y compatible.

How do you get Miracle Berries to wear off?

When you're done flavor tripping, you can rinse your mouth with warm water. Swish it around and spit. The heat will kill the Miraculin on your tongue and the effects should be gone. If it is not, do this a couple more times. This example is also good to remember that cooking with Miracle Berries is not possible. Using heat will kill the effects of the berry. However, using cold temperatures, anything may be possible. We still recommend using it on the side rather than mixing it into your meal.