Your senses have been altered and things that should taste sour taste sweet. Not to worry though, we’re not talking about drugs here. The tablet you consumed was a miracle berry, also known as mberry, the pill that makes everything taste sweet; what you experienced is referred to as flavor tripping. The miracle berry contains a glycoprotein that has the ability to change taste, altering your perception of sour, sweet, and other flavors. Sounds cool right? It is no wonder that the demand for these magic berries has been on the rise recently!

What Are Miracle Fruit Berries?

Synsepalum dulcificum, more popularly known as the miracle berry, is a red berry native to tropical West Africa. The magic berry was initially discovered in 1725 when an explorer named Chevalier des Marchais noticed the native people chewed these African miracle fruits before eating meals. He soon realized that the natives were consuming the mysterious miracle berry to alter the taste buds and enhance the flavor of their foods, particularly those that were dull or sour in taste. Though the local population had been utilizing its miraculous properties for centuries, it wasn’t until 1968 that the miracle berry came to the United States.

How Miracle Berries Taste on Their Own

So how does this so-called miracle fruit berry – mberry taste? Some might be surprised to learn that the miracle fruit berry – mberry itself actually does not taste like much at all. However, the seemingly flavorless magic berry packs a big punch. Though consuming the magical berry, itself gives a dull flavor at best, the flavor of foods you consume afterward will surprise you! The miracle fruit berry – mberry causes foods that would usually be sour to taste exceedingly sweet. That’s why this magic fruit is most commonly known as the berry that makes sour taste sweet.