Are there side effects with Miracle Berry?

There are no reports of any side effects of Miracle Berry besdies the sweetening effect from the glycoprotein, Miraculin. The Miracel Berry has been consumed for centuries and is 100% natural and safe to eat. The only cuation we provide is the consumption of too many acidic foods as they may upset your stomach. Always be cautious about what you are eating with Miracle Berries as a big mix of different foods may not feel too great in a hour or two.

Miracle Berry and Spicy Food - Does It Work?

There are a few spicy items that will work with Miracle Berries such as mild chilis, jalapenos, hot cheets, and Franks Red Hot. However, anything spicier than these may not work. For example, the one chip challenge will not work with the Miracle Berry. While it may not be as spicy on the tongue, the heat will certainly kick up in your throat and stomach. We do not recommend anything spicier than what is recommended on our flyers.

Are Miracle Berry Tablets Safe?

Miracle Berries are safe for all. From children to grandparents, anyone can enjoy the Miracle Berry. mberry only uses Miracle Fruit Powder and cornstarch in our tablets to ensure the most natural experience. We never add any other fillers, preservatives, or colors. With this, it is important to keep your mberry tablets in a cool dark spot to keep their potency. If you miracle fruit berries have reached their expiration date, as indicated on the box, we suggest throwing them out for two reasons. One, the special protein in them could have died and they will no longer work or, two, they have turned dark which means they are no longer good and may get moldy. These berries were first found by an explorer in Africa and they have been enjoyed around the world since the 1960's. While the FDA in the U.S. has deemed them a food addtitive, places like Japan and the EU have approved of their safety and they are widely available. In the U.S. and Canada, they are still able to be consumed, sold, and shipped.